Query the GraphQL API

Query the GraphQL API

This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of GraphQL query syntax. For a general overview of GraphQL, please refer to the documentation (opens in a new tab).

Ponder uses your schema.graphql file to generate a GraphQL API for your app. With the dev server running, open http://localhost:42069 in your browser to use the GraphiQL (opens in a new tab) interface. GraphiQL is a useful tool for exploring your schema and testing queries during development.

Schema generation

Ponder creates a singular and a plural query field for each entity type in your schema. For example, if your schema contains a Person entity, Ponder will create a person and a persons field on the root Query type. The singular query field returns a single entity (or null), while the plural query field returns a list of entities.

type Person @entity {
  id: Int!
  name: String!
  age: Int!
Generated schema
type Query {
  person(id: Int!, timestamp: Int): Person
    skip: Int = 0,
    first: Int = 100,
    orderBy: String = "id",
    orderDirection: String = "asc",
    where: PersonFilter,
    timestamp: Int
  ): [Person!]!


The GraphQL API supports filtering through the where argument. The where argument type contains filter options for every field defined on your entity. Here are the filter options available for each field type.

Filter optionAvailable for field typesInclude entities where...
{field}All{field} equals the value
{field}_notAll{field} does not equal the value
{field}_inScalars, enums, one-to-one relationships{field} is one of the values
{field}_not_inScalars, enums, one-to-one relationships{field} is not one of the values
{field}_hasLists of scalars and enums{field} has the value as an element
{field}_not_hasLists of scalars and enums{field} does not have the value as an element
{field}_gtNumeric scalars (Int, Float, BigInt){field} is greater than the value
{field}_ltNumeric scalars{field} is less than the value
{field}_gteNumeric scalars{field} is greater than or equal to the value
{field}_lteNumeric scalars{field} is less than or equal to the value
{field}_containsString scalars (String, Bytes){field} contains the substring
{field}_not_containsString scalars{field} does not contain the substring
{field}_starts_withString scalars{field} starts with the substring
{field}_not_starts_withString scalars{field} does not start with the substring
{field}_ends_withString scalars{field} ends with the substring
{field}_not_ends_withString scalars{field} does not end with the substring

For all following examples, assume these entities exist in your database.

Person data
  { "id": 1, "name": "Barry", "age": 57 },
  { "id": 2, "name": "Lucile", "age": 32 },
  { "id": 3, "name": "Sally", "age": 22 },
  { "id": 4, "name": "Pablo", "age": 71 },

Get all Person entities with an age greater than 32:

query {
  persons(where: { age_gt: 32 }) {
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Barry", "age": 57 },
    { "name": "Pablo", "age": 71 },

Get all Person entities with a name that does not end with "y":

query {
  persons(where: { name_not_ends_with: "y" }) {
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Lucile", "age": 32 },
    { "name": "Pablo", "age": 71 },


The GraphQL API supports pagination through the first and skip arguments.

Pagination optionDefaultMax
query {
  persons(first: 2, skip: 1) {
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Lucile", "age": 32 },
    { "name": "Sally", "age": 22 },

The default and max first and skip values are also applied to derived fields. If you find youself needing to paginate through more than 1000 items in a derived field, strongly consider writing a new query that fetches those items at the root level.


Use the orderBy and orderDirection arguments to sort entities by a scalar field. String scalars (String, Bytes) use a lexicographic sort.

Pagination optionDefault
query {
  persons(orderBy: "age", orderDirection: "desc") {
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Pablo", "age": 71 },
    { "name": "Barry", "age": 57 },
    { "name": "Lucile", "age": 32 },
    { "name": "Sally", "age": 22 },

Time-travel queries

Using time-travel queries, you can query the state of your app's database at any point in history. To construct a time-travel query, pass a Unix timestamp to the timestamp argument on any of the root query types.

Time-travel optionDefault
timestampundefined ("latest")

In this example, consider that only Pablo had been added to the database at the specified timestamp, and his age at that time was 42. The other entities were inserted later.

query {
  persons(timestamp: 1689910567) {
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Pablo", "age": 42 },

Derived fields

Derived fields return the list of child/derived entities that "belong" to the parent. They're very similar to the plural query field that, except derived fields are automatically filtered by the parent's ID.

type Person @entity {
  id: Int!
  pets: [Pet!]! @derivedFrom(field: "ownerId")
type Pet @entity {
  id: Int!
  name: String!
  ownerId: Int!
Generated schema
type Person {
  id: Int!
    skip: Int = 0,
    first: Int = 100,
    orderBy: String = "id",
    orderDirection: String = "asc",
    # This automatically has { ownerId: person.id } applied
    where: PetFilter, 
    timestamp: Int
  ): [Pet!]!